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    Fresh insight into becoming a man or woman of wisdom

    We all want to make wise choices, and not look foolish. But grasping true wisdom doesn’t always come naturally! Practical application from God’s Word.

    Discover how having wisdom impacts what we say

    Our words can either build others up, or tear them down. Hear the challenging study in Proverbs 31.

    Discover why wisdom requires diligence

    When we make today’s priorities tomorrow’s problem, and push deadlines to the last minute, we know procrastination has set in! It’s a practical reminder from Proverbs 31.

    How a wise person approaches others with an open hand

    We may think holding tightly to our possessions and riches is the wise choice. Yet, God’s Word tells us the exact opposite! We’re talking about the quality of generosity.

    Discover fresh insights in our study of Proverbs 31

    Call someone “shrewd” and there’s a chance they won’t consider that a compliment! Why being savvy is an important part of being wise!

    Why inner strength is a wise quality for both men and women

    It’s common to view “strength” as a manly characteristic. But Proverbs 31 tells us that women can be just as “mighty”! Our series on Proverbs 31 continues.

    Let’s take a closer look at wisdom in action, in Proverbs chapter 31

    The book of Proverbs is full of godly wisdom for every area of our lives. And in the final chapter of that book, we get to see how this wisdom is lived out day by day!

    A fresh perspective on the identity of the Proverbs 31 woman

    Proverbs 31 is often referenced as a great example of a godly woman. But could this chapter be a model for both women and men? Discover why this passage is applicable to everyone.

    Is it possible to see Jesus even in a person like Samson?

    You may have grown up hearing the story of Samson and Delilah. The mistakes and poor decisions Samson made seem to live on in infamy. In truth, his life serves as a cautionary tale about indulging our sinful desires.

    Discover how God used Samson’s sins and failures to accomplish a greater purpose

    There are some mistakes we may think are past redemption. But when God’s involved, He can use even those most wayward decisions to further His plan! A message of hope.

    Empty Fort Strategy

    In the Chinese historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, author Luo Guanzhong describes the “Empty Fort Strategy,” a use of reverse psychology to deceive the enemy. When 150,000 troops from the Wei Kingdom reached Xicheng, which had less than 2,500 soldiers, they found the city gate wide open and the famous military tactician Zhuge Liang calmly playing the zither with two children beside him. The Wei general, baffled by the scene and believing it was an ambush, ordered a full retreat.

    Who’s That Hero?

    Reading the book of Judges, with its battles and mighty warriors, can sometimes feel like reading about comic book superheroes. We have Deborah, Barak, Gideon, and Samson. However, in the line of judges (or deliverers), we also find Othniel.

    The account of his life is brief and straightforward (Judges 3:7-11).

    That’s Jesus!

    As a Jewish kid growing up in New York, Michael Brown had no interest in spiritual things. His life revolved around being a drummer for a band, and he got mixed up with drugs. But then some friends invited him to church, where he found the love and prayers of the people to be irresistible. After a short spiritual struggle, Michael trusted Jesus as Savior.

    Every Word Matters

    Kim Peek was a savant (a person with extraordinary memory) who memorized all of Shakespeare’s plays. During a performance of Twelfth Night, Peek noticed that the actor had skipped a word from one of the lines. Peek suddenly stood up and shouted, “Stop!” The actor apologized and said he didn’t think anyone would mind. Peek replied, “Shakespeare would.”

    Kingdom, Covenants, and Canon of the Old Testament

    This course gives a brief survey of the Old Testament, examining the themes of “Kingdom, Covenants and Canon.” It shows that the Old Testament is not a random amalgam of episodes, genealogies and prophetic tidbits. Instead, it is unified around the central theme of the kingdom of God, which was administered through covenants and applied to life through the Old Testament as a “canon” (guideline) for our lives. It is based on the Third Millennium DVD series by Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.